Acerca de mim

The routine upset me so I waited until I found myself in the right frame of mind and I made it happen. I am living a great and hard adventure, that I expect every day to overcome. For me life must be lived day by day, taking the most important of it. When someone ask me: “but why Edinburgh?” I replies that is the Tibet nearest to Portugal. I try every day to keep a smile on my face, a sunny smile, even when my heart is sad, sunless day are long and slow to go. I found that my family and friends give me the strength to keep on going with the present. Ilse Furtado

domingo, 22 de maio de 2011

Charity - to make someone have something...

Today I am writing about one thing that I am a fan of and I admire a lot in this country – CHARITY!
I looked up what this word means in my oxford dictionary (my favorite book in the last four months) and the definition is «an organization that collets money to help who are poor, sick, etc. The charities are also able to do work that’s useful to society. »
When we arrived to this country, we were really surprised to see a lot of charity shops in the city. We went into some and we checked how their products look like: adult clothes, baby clothes, kitchen items, books, etc; everything were in good condition, clean and with good quality. We found there very cheap products!
These shops are a huge success and here, they are very useful, it helps people buy and your money goes to help others.
One month ago, I received a letter and a bag from a popular charity institution – British Heart Foundation. In this letter I could read: «Whatever the weather, we will collect between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. »they also said what they need (ladies, gents and children’s clothing, blankets, shoes, handbags and toys) and when they would be collect the donations. I thought that’s fantastic, I can help at my home, with what I have and, of course, they come to pick it up, and I will be given something to help!
It was so simple to do! On the day concerted they passed to take the bag. I was satisfied, everything ran well. Now I have changed my habits and my attitudes and I can feel more generous too. I gave two coats, one mine and the other from Lily. Donating something always gives me more pleasure than to receiving something. I think it’s not just me, and this old proverb can prove that: It is always better to give than to receive!
I want to add one more thing, and that is the fact that most of the shop assistants are volunteer workers and include people of all ages. There is also a paid manager who supports and trains the volunteers. I hope to do some volunteer work in this kind of shop in the future, when my English become better; I spoke about it with my English teacher and she told me: it can be good to practice your English/Scottish in this moment, because your level is perfect for that!
Have a nice week,

sábado, 14 de maio de 2011

Mariza On Tour May 2011!

Mariza- Fado Tradicional, foi o nome do espectáculo que assistimos ontem no Usher Hall, aqui em Edinburgh! Realmente surpreendente, há  tanto tempo que não tinha tão boa surpresa! Só descobri quando já estavamos em frente ao grandioso Usher Hall!
Palavras como: melancolia, saudade, solidão, Primavera, chuva, ausência, orgulho, coração, gente, choro, guitarra, chão, terra, sentimentos contraditorios , alegria, etc, etc ... encheram o Grand Circle, uma das salas do Usher Hall mas mesmo assim em ambiente muito intimista. Já agora alguem sabe como cheira a tristeza com pão? Esta não vou esquecer:-)
Há tanto tempo para ver Mariza ao vivo, e só aqui essa realização! Agradeci vezes sem conta ao maridão, e neste momento não podia ter feito mais sentido.  Consegui, ao ouvir as palavras nos poemas juntar as imagens da situaçoes descritas e sentir Lisboa, tudo ecoando em mim como nunca!  
Estava casal de japoneses ao meu lado, a ela, assim como a mim vieram as lágrimas aos olhos mais do que uma vez! Acho que mesmo não percebendo o significado das palavras eles estavam completamente absorvidos, rendidos tal como eu!
Ela interagiu diversas vezes com o público e até partihou connosco a alegria de não estar a cantar sozinha e de estar  muito feliz no seu estado de futura  mamã! Queixou-se do seu inglês,mas sem necessidade, porque  além bem falado, era fresco, cantante , lovely como por aqui se diz!   
Para mim Mariza é realmente o que  diziam na folha de apresentação «... is more than just the leading Portuguese fado singer of her generation. The modern face of a great tradition, she is a global icon… Marisa has become one of world’s greatest and most renowned singers… » etc, etc!
Bravo, well done, fantastic Mariza! Muitos aplausos e a promessa de voltar ao Usher Hall! Eu vou matando as saudades dela sempre que me apetecer, pois tenho o dvd de um concerto dela em frente à Torre de Belém e ainda um cd, só me falta o mais recente que ela apresentou ontem!