Acerca de mim

The routine upset me so I waited until I found myself in the right frame of mind and I made it happen. I am living a great and hard adventure, that I expect every day to overcome. For me life must be lived day by day, taking the most important of it. When someone ask me: “but why Edinburgh?” I replies that is the Tibet nearest to Portugal. I try every day to keep a smile on my face, a sunny smile, even when my heart is sad, sunless day are long and slow to go. I found that my family and friends give me the strength to keep on going with the present. Ilse Furtado

quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2011

My first night out in Edinburgh!

Like a good diarist, I have to report my first night out in Edinburgh which is known as a city with an active nightlife. I read somewhere there are over 700 pubs throughout the city and that fact attracts people of all ages, I mean adult of course, enjoying themselves out.
I went out with some friends from my English class; there were eight of us in the first pub not far from my house. I liked the atmosphere and we sat drinking rosé wine and chatting for three hours. We formed a variety of countries, like China, Poland, Portugal, Greece and mostly Spain, actually many experiences to share about our life in Edinburgh. It was such good exercise in speaking it would be good repeating it!
We toasted our good improvements this year in English and we drank to the future level, a big challenge is coming for us, but I am so proud of that fact. I am struggling with my English speaking but excited too!
After this pub we went to another place, a dancing club. It was around 11 pm and we stayed there for tree hours as well. It was excellent fun, we met two nice guys, one from Iran and another from Poland, and they were very gentle with us, they bought some drinks for all and we danced in group. We laughed a lot because we had very surprising moments with our Chinese colleague!
When we left the place at 2 pm, the weather and the night were still delightful.  Each other took a taxi home.
I could confirm on Monday at school how everyone loved that night! 
Bye and take care!

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