Yesterday I had a great time, with Luis, our friend Leon, and my little start Lily! We are very interested in her entrance in this music school. I must confess that I felt a little bit nervous in middle of audition, mother’s heart!
The first audition from Edinburgh Music School went in Flora Primary School , in Edinburgh . It is a big school, a 19th century building with an impressive size and very comfortable classrooms. We were received by the director and the music teacher, who show us the music room.
Lily played tree pieces in her cello and made some exercises with the teacher. The director did a small interview, to confirm if she really likes music and to play it, witch we assist all and we were very proud to hear her answers in English.
During the audition it was possible to observe how they liked the performance. Lily did a wonderful job and definitely they were impressed with her!
Dreams must be prepared; we made the first step to achieve this goal, which started in November 2010. We will have one more audition in March; I hope she can do it well again!